If you are looking for inspiration to prepare a special cake for Valentine’s day, this cake is a great idea, a pastry stuffed with cream cheese and amaretto, sweet and sour together like love, but always delicious! Crumble cake is a classic in my family since I was small, we do it on special occasions, but not only that, it can also be realized in a cake pan to heart if you want, it will be a sweet ideal for Valentines morning awakening, please find your love the table spread with this cake and if a good day starts in the morning … Happy Valentine day to all!
Thai contaminations in the Escarole pizza
Home again and back in the kitchen leave automatically the first contamination Thai!
One of the principles of this intriguing kitchen is that in a dish there must be everyone in the right balance, salty, sweet, sour and spicy, so the other night I had friends over for dinner I applied to Escarole pizza!
Traditionally it is a typical Neapolitan cake rustic who is prepared with a filling of Escarole sauteed with a little oil and garlic, olives, capers, pine nuts, raisins, anchovies, all enclosed in a pizza dough.
In the past I was a version with addition of desalted salt cod and blanched, but now the salty sweet taste typical of this cake I added the spicy and sour from the latest Thai style influences.
Try it and tell me if it isn't great!
Mustard Chicken and asparagus quiche