These are the cookies I made as a Christmas gift, a few days ago to my colleagues!
The recipe was passed from my # 1 fan Giorgia, who makes delicious desserts and that had made me try these cookies a while ago, so this post is a tribute to her, to these great cookies!
My contribution to this recipe was restricted to wholemeal flour and rum that in biscuits I always like very much!
They are incredibly quick to prepare, ready in half an hour, so if you want to put something healthy in the stocking of the Epiphany you can do it in the morning and perfume the whole House!
COOKIES with CHOCOLATE and raspberries
250 g flour (half white and half whole wheat)
125 g butter
125 g sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder or the inside of a vanilla bean
80 grams of raspberries
50 grams of chocolate chips (white or dark chocolate)
1 small glass of rum
a pinch of salt
Icing sugar to decorate
Preheat the oven to 180° temperature and potatelo.
In a bowl mix the softened butter with the egg then add the sugar, flour along with the cream of tartar, vanilla and a pinch of salt, mix well, and adjust the softness with the rum. Then add the chocolate chips.
You take the dough balls about the size of half a walnut inside which you will insert a raspberry for each nut.
Lined with baking paper plates and place the balls apart between them so as to leave sufficient space when you expand during cooking.
Bake for 15 minutes or until edges of cookies begin to Brown.
Remove from the oven is cool and garnish with icing sugar if you want and then put them in the shoes of the befana! …. and happy Epiphany to all with cookies with CHOCOLATE and raspberries