There are things that make Japan the extraordinary country it is, such as the spasmodic attention to detail in everything they do, the incredible organization, the disarming patience and there are reassuring things on which, despite the trip can reserve at times pitfalls, a traveler or a tourist can always count on!
Things to put in your backpack for a long journey, list of things to remember.
Things to put in your backpack for a long journey, list of things to remember.
Preliminary preparations done now you can start to prepare your bag! Always to avoid forgetting things useful and having to be forced to buy her around, this year I made my list of things to put in your backpack for a long trip or list of things to remember. Continua a leggere
10 things to do before I go
10 things to do before I go
The traveler Provident
Travel away from home to avoid problems and difficult to manage, this year, based on all our adventures/misadventures, I decided to draw up a list of 10 things to do before I go …. and of course, to buy a guide (lonely planet, rough, routard) of the country you plan to visit where you will find many other practical information!