Our garden (ortiamo.it) continues to produce courgettes, so while they worship the omelette with courgettes can’t eat only omelette! Then I thought of making a Quiche of courgettes, I will say: “a very original idea!” you know it didn’t take the ladder to think! Anyway I’m here to tell you about the last experiment, because obviously I couldn’t make a traditional quiche!
I wanted to try it do a pie gluten and eggs, otherwise I would have done the omelette! For the dough and the filling in place of the eggs I put my kefir (yogurt-like) home made and did not come at all bad, in fact it was so good!!! Besides, it’s really easy to make!
Quiche of courgettes and yogurt gluten-free
preparation time: 25 ‘ | difficulty: very easy | cooking time: 30 ‘ |
Ingredients (for 2 people baking dish 22 cm)
For the dough sg
70 grams of buckwheat flour
70 grams of rice flour
50 g of potato flour
125 g yogurt
10 grams of ghee or a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 pinch of salt
For the stuffing
4 medium courgettes
1/4 onion
125 yogurt
5 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon agave syrup or acacia honey salt and pepper
Preparation of gluten-free yogurt and courgettes tart
Quickly mix together the ingredients for the base with your hands until you have a smooth ball that will let it sit.
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
- Chop and sauté the onion in a pan with a little oil, add the sliced zucchini with cooked directly in a pan and bring them almost mandolin when the lid is closed turning them from time to time.
- When courgettes are almost cooked, roll out the dough into a cake tin base from 22, simply by pressing it with your hands by creating tiny edges not too high with your fingers. Prick with a fork on the bottom of the dough and bake for 10 minutes at 180°.
- In a bowl mix the yogurt with honey, turmeric and a pinch of salt and a sprinkling of pepper.
- Been 10 minutes, remove from oven, add the zucchini and sprinkle with cream of yogurt, while spread it carefully with a spoon over the entire surface of the cake (except on the edges).
- Bake the zucchini cake and yoghurt for at least half an hour
Zucchini quiche and yoghurts gluten is good hot or cold, immediately the next day!